Traditional believes that a healthy meal is a major component to a good Early Childhood Program. Regulation 47.61 (b) of the Health Code states that food supplied to children shall be wholesome, of good quality, properly prepared in accordance with nutritional guidelines provided and approved by the Department, age appropriate in portion size and variety, and served at regular hours at appropriate intervals.
New foods are introduced gradually as a learning experience until children become accustomed to them and learn to like them. Meal time is a social time, a chance to talk and learn about many concepts. We encourage children to serve themselves in a FAMILY STYLE meal setting with the teaching team and volunteers eating together with the children in a relaxed atmosphere. Children gradually learn to assume responsibility for setting tables, passing food, serving themselves and cleaning up. Menus are posted at the front entrance and in each classroom. Nutrition workshops are offered to assist parents with meal planning, food budgeting and gaining knowledge about nutritional foods.
Schedule of meals
Breakfast 8:30 am -9:00am (NO BREAKFAST WILL BE SERVED AFTER 9AM) Lunch (TDCC): 11:30 am- 12:00pm
TEC: 12:00pm- 12:30pm
Snack: 3:00 pm- 3:30pm
Allergies: If a child has allergies to certain foods it MUST be stated on the medical along with substitutions AND parents need to inform us at intake and inform the teacher. We will let the chef know about your child's allergy and it will be posted. Religious: If a child is unable to eat a certain food due to religious beliefs please obtain a letter from your religious institution stating the foods the child is unable to have along with substitutions. Other: If none of the reasons above fit into your category please see the Director.